How to prevent hearing loss

As people get older, they tend to lose their hearing. So we need to take precautions to protect our hearing.

How to prevent hearing loss

1.Avoid contact with long-term ambient noise or music. Including listening to headphones for a long time.

2.The law of life. Keep the body's biological clock undisturbed.

3.Eliminate tobacco and alcohol. Alcohol and alcohol make the nerves excited and reduce the regulating function.

4.The diet is light. High-fat foods increase the amount of cholesterol in the blood, "blood thick blood sticks", and blood vessels tend to become hard and clogged. The human ear is a very sensitive and sophisticated "instrument". Once the vascular network system connected to the auditory nerve is hardened and the like, it naturally affects hearing. The older Shouxing ears are not back, because they eat lightly, and the light diet is clear.

5.The mood is stable. If you are often in a state of irritability and anger, it will cause the autonomic nerves in the body to lose normal regulatory functions, causing ischemia, edema and hearing disturbance in the inner ear organs, which is prone to sharp hearing loss.

6.Don't blow your nose too hard. Because the posterior part of the nasal cavity communicates with the lumen of the middle ear cavity, improper nasal discharge can drive nasal secretions into the middle ear cavity, causing otitis media.

7.Don't dig your ears. Prevent infection.

8.Kidney. The kidney is open to the ear. Therefore, you can take more kidney food, such as walnut porridge, sesame porridge, peanut porridge.

9.Try to avoid the application of ototoxic drugs, such as gentamicin, streptomycin, kanamycin, neomycin, etc., these drugs are easy to damage hearing.

10.Often massage around the ears.

Do you have to wear a hearing aid if your hearing is declining?

How to prevent hearing loss

Many people have the question: Is it necessary to wear a hearing aid after hearing loss, is it only through hearing aids to improve hearing? In fact, this is not the case. Some people with hearing loss can improve their hearing in other ways without using a hearing aid. Because of this, hearing tests before the purchase of hearing aids are more important, so professional hearing tests must be performed before selecting a hearing aid to determine if it is necessary to wear a hearing aid.

Some people with deafness have a hearing loss that is reversible, and some treatments can be used to improve or restore hearing. For example, hearing loss caused by obstruction of the eustachian tube caused by a cold can completely restore hearing. As long as the cold is cured and the eustachian tube function is normal, the hearing can be restored. Another example is the embolism, as long as the ear is removed, the hearing can be restored. In addition, if the person with dry perforation of the tympanic membrane has the conditions for surgical treatment, the tympanic membrane can be repaired by surgery to achieve the purpose of restoring hearing. Such people do not need to wear a hearing aid. Some deaf patients should pay attention not to the deafness itself, but to the hearing-affected diseases that are urgently needed, such as cholesteatoma, otitis media, and acoustic neuroma. This part of the patient should first cure these hearing-impairing diseases. If it is determined that the hearing is irreversible, then choose a hearing aid to improve hearing.

Hearing aids are aimed at people who are irreversible in hearing, that is, patients whose hearing cannot recover by themselves or who cannot recover their hearing by means of treatment are suitable for wearing hearing aids.


BTE type hearing aids

RIC type hearing aids

ITE type hearing aids

ITC type hearing aids

CIC type hearing aids

IIC type hearing aids