The effect of mood on hearing

Hearing is actually the ear's sensation of external sound stimulation. However, in daily life, people have obvious subjective consciousness to any feeling, which is affected by interest and attention. For example, if you are playing a beautiful and beautiful song, if you have a lot of things to do or are thinking about, even if this song is nice, you will have no interest and let it reverberate in your ears. Hear. This is the role of emotion and subjective consciousness.

Human hearing has reached a highly differentiated level. Its sensitivity to sound perception is almost inconceivable. The range of perception of sound intensity, from the smallest to the largest, can differ by several times or several hundred million times, which is impossible for ordinary electronic instruments.

Therefore, the formation of hearing is the embodiment of the complex physiological functions of the human body, and it is also obviously affected by psychological emotions. A long-term depressed, anxious, and pessimistic person is indifferent to everything around him, and is willing to find a quiet place without any sound stimulation, because no matter what the sound will add to his annoyance. If it persists for a long period of time, hearing sensitivity will be reduced due to the lack of sound stimulation of the hearing organs.

The effect of mood on hearing

Therefore, the middle and old people maintain emotional stability, are full of love for the surrounding environment and life, and continue to cultivate a wide range of interests and hobbies, is also conducive to delaying the decline of hearing.


BTE type hearing aids

RIC type hearing aids

ITE type hearing aids

ITC type hearing aids

CIC type hearing aids

IIC type hearing aids